Postdoctoral Positions in Mathematical and Computational Biology

There are two postdoctoral positions in the areas of mathematical and computational biology in Santiago Schnell’s research group at the University of Notre Dame. Schnell is faculty member in the Departments of Biological Sciences, and Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics. One postdoctoral fellow will work on the development of standard-based tools and measurement approaches in enzymology. The other postdoctoral fellow will work on the development of models to investigate the molecular mechanisms regulating protein homeostasis.

The positions will allow both the flexibility of developing and leading individual projects as well as working as a team member. The successful applicant will interact with our collaborators in Austria, Germany, Great Britain and Israel, and may have the opportunity to train in experimental techniques as well. Candidates should have experience in the mathematical modeling and numerical solutions of differential equations, parameter estimation, and an understanding of biochemical kinetics, biochemistry and cell biology. These positions would suit individuals who have a Ph.D. in applied mathematics, engineering or theoretical physical-chemistry. Candidates must have experience writing publications, excellent communication skills and have a strong work ethic. These positions are available for up to four years. They will be renewed annually subject to satisfactory performance. Salary level is determined by the number of full years of relevant postdoctoral experience at the NIH NRSA scale.

The positions are full-time. Applicants are advised that they will undergo standard pre-employment screening. Applications should include a full CV, and a cover letter explaining suitability for the position. Candidates are encouraged to read some of the Schnell group recent papers on enzymology or protein homeostasis, and write a brief proposal outlining how they can contribute to our projects and what they would like to do in the Schnell research group. Candidates must arrange for two referees to send references directly to Dr. Schnell. Review of applications will continue until the positions are filled.

For inquiries, please contact Prof. Santiago Schnell via email.